D en W
Franken en Franken BV
Design Creatie en Communicatie
De site is onderhoudsvrij dit in tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld Wordpress waar je veelvuldig met betaalde plug-ins wordt geconfronteerd.
Dit systeem is werkelijk zonder codering. Drag and Drop Widgets! Voor mensen die perse zelf een stuk code willen toevoegen is dit ook mogelijk. Er is ook een webshop die volledig in het systeem geïntegreerd wordt en is geïnstalleerd met echt 1 click.
Wij willen op een andere manier laten zien wat je met dit systeem kunt in een handomdraai en daar waar nodig helpen we je ook!
Je vindt hier diverse voorbeeldroutes die je in de omgeving van Gerlos kunt lopen of andere delen van het Zillertal.
Daarnaast vindt je tips voor je verblijf.
This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click and start typing.
This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click and start typing. Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links. Once you've added your content, you can customize its design.
This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click and start typing. Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links. Once you've added your content, you can customize its design.
This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click and start typing. Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links. Once you've added your content, you can customize its design.
This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click and start typing. Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links. Once you've added your content, you can customize its design.
This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click and start typing. Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links. Once you've added your content, you can customize its design.
This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click and start typing. Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links. Once you've added your content, you can customize its design.
Bleihof 33 2215XS Voorhout
e-mail studio@frankenenfranken.nl
Franken & Franken BV is ingeschreven onder nummer 27324608 in het handelsregister te Leiden
Bankrelatie Rabobank rekeningnummer 123994764 BIC - RABONL2U IBAN - NL81 RABO 0123 9947 64
btwnummer 8198.13.618.B.01